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Johan Vromans

Album is a tool to create HTML based photo albums. It allows you to manage your digital pictures on your computer.

A photo album consists of a series of (large) originals, thumbnails, and index pages. The large originals are the real originals that came from the camera. They will never be touched or modified.

Note that a photo album is not a Web gallery. There are other tools that are much more suited for that purpose.

Design aspects:

  • Provide index pages with usable thumbnails.
    Many tools have thumbnails that are just too small to be really useful.
  • Provide 'medium' pages, with images of a convenient and consistent size.
    Using a 1024x728 screen and the browser's full screen mode, each image can be viewed completely.
  • Provide 'large' pages, with the original (large) images.
  • Navigation buttons at fixed locations.
    No more looking around to see where the "next" button went...
  • Navigation with keystrokes as well. No more looking for buttons at all.
  • Allow updating and reordering of images.
  • Provide titles and descriptions.
  • Handle EXIF information, movies, pictures with sound.
  • Albums can be nested.
  • Albums can be burned on a CD or DVD for offline viewing.
Watch a presentation (HTML) I made on Album.
Current version
CPAN sites. The MetaCPAN search engine will find it for you.

© Copyright 2003-2018 Johan Vromans. All Rights Reserved.
Album/index.html last modified 17:10:28 02-Oct-2006